Making Waves: A Mental Health Conference

This day-long conference, held on Saturday, September 28, 2019, offered a safe space for the API community to address, examine, and understand mental health in its various forms. Conference plenaries were interspersed with workshops and small group discussions that focused on specific topics related to mental health.

The conversation around mental health within the API community is one that has been and continues to be highly stigmatized due to several external and internal factors. The goal of this conference was to shed a positive light on these topics and allow for a space where open conversations about mental health can be held.

Changing Tides would like to thank all of the conference speakers, participants, and volunteers who supported this special event. It was a day of sharing the range of mental health experiences within the API community, appreciating all of the feelings that we work through everyday, and working as a community towards normalizing conversations on mental health. With your support and love, we will continue making waves.

Conference topics included:
- Intergenerational Mental Health
- Understanding Student Stress
- How to Access Mental Health Care
- Mental Health for the Japanese Speaking Community
- Family Dynamics
- Senior Mental Health Care
- Mental Health through Poetry
- Navigating Relationships
- and much more!

Photos from the event can be found here:


Making waves

Photo gallery

Ty Tanioka